
Success Story-A Case Study Follow Up

What started as a desire to avoid taking cholesterol lowering medication turned into a lifestyle change.  In November of 2018, Ann Starinsky went to her well visit check up and learned that her cholesterol level exceeded recommendations and was advised that she should begin taking medication to lower her levels to avoid a stroke and further heart disease. Not wanting to go down the medication path she turned to me and asked if it were possible to lower her levels simply by switching from the standard American Diet in favor of plant-based eating.  This started an eight week journey to avoid statins. I shared our success path to healthier lifestyle habits and taught Ann what would help her meet her goal. We did a case study and followed Ann over the course of her journey. We delighted when she returned to her doctor after adopting the plant-based lifestyle and learned that she met her goal of avoiding medication. All because of the changes that she made! That was 8 months ago. We checked it with Ann to see if she developed healthier lifestyle habits or returned to her previous ways. Check out the Plant-Based success story.

Case Study Follow Up: Success Story of a Plant-Based Journey

Spoiler Alert:

Eight months after beginning her plant-based journey and becoming a healthy habits keeper Ann reports the following discoveries and changes:

  • Finds that eating whole foods that are plant-based isn’t as difficult as she thought it would be.
  • Enjoys much more energy and sleeps better.
  • Reduced inflammation and chronic pain in her needs has vanished.
  • Stronger immune system resulting in hot having had a cold or other virus since making the switch.
  • Lost 20 pounds.
  • It never felt like a “diet” rather a lifestyle.
  • Feels stronger, vibrant and healthy
  • Although she finds that she will “off road” and veer a bit from WFPB eating, she would never completely go back to her old ways.

Advice for Starting a Plant-Based Journey

Before starting this way of eating  be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.  That’s because medications may need to be adjusted and even eliminated. It makes sense to have your health care provider on board to monitor the changes that your body will most likely undergo. Besides, now that Ann’s made the switch, she’s looking forward to returning to her annual well visit check up. Ann’s also accepted our invitation to check in with her after her visit to hear how she’s doing.

If you want to try out this way of eating download this free 5 day plant-based starter plan.  It’s a great tool to help you learn how to adopt healthier habits and set you on the pathway to feeling the positive effects of the plant-based lifestyle.

She Builds Healthier Habits

Want to continue to build on your plant-based journey to better health? Our free private Facebook group is designed to help you build healthier habits and adopt the plant-based lifestyle.  You’re invited to join and benefit from tips and strategies helping you where you’d like to be in your journey to better health.  The good news is that the group will help you navigate the pathway to building healthier habits. Take the next step to getting on (or back on) the road to better health.  Join “She Builds Healthier Habits” today.  We’d love to help by teaching you how to build a healthier future and age well and support you in your journey.