
Can a “Wake Up Call” About High Cholesterol Make a Difference Before it’s too Late?


Ann’s been pretty good at taking care of herself. She was afterall a 2 sport collegiate athlete and recently retired from years as a physical education and health teacher. Ann remains very active playing golf and volleyball on a recreational league.  She also makes her annual well visit with her general practitioner a priority. At her most recent visit, Ann received a huge wake up call. That was 8 weeks ago. It was then that she learned that her blood cholesterol levels increased to 242 (200 is the acceptable range) and her doctor wanted to put her on  statin medication to lower her levels. She wanted nothing to do with taking medication. This is when Ann made the decision to try the plant-based lifestyle in order to reduce her high blood cholesterol and avoid taking medication.

Cholesterol and Lifestyle Factors

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) “high blood cholesterol is a condition that causes the levels of certain bad fats, or lipids, to be too high in the blood. This condition is usually caused by lifestyle factors, such as diet, in combination with the genes that you inherit from your parents. Less commonly, it is caused by other medical conditions or some medicines.”  It was pointed out to Ann that her high cholesterol levels were caused by her diet.

Treatment can include heart-healthy eating as well as quitting smoking, or aiming for a healthy weight. Since Ann is neither a smoker nor overweight, changing her diet was the key. Left untreated, high blood cholesterol can lead to the buildup of plaque in the blood vessels (atherosclerosis). This buildup increases the risk for a heart attack, stroke and peripheral artery disease. Clearly Ann wasn’t interested in leaving her condition untreated, nor did she want to take medication.  Changing her diet became her only option. This wake up call was what it took for Ann to make the decision to ditch the SAD (Standard American Diet) and switch to the WFPB (whole food, plant-based)lifestyle.

Making a Choice

Ann’s been observing how the plant-based lifestyle has changed my family. She reached out to learn how to switch and to gain support for her journey.  We’ve been checking in weekly and Ann’s shared what she’s faced along her way. The 8 week journey recently came to an end and Ann returned to her doctor to learn if switching to the plant-based lifestyle was enough to avoid taking medication.

Discover if Ann was able to avoid the statin’s by watching “the results show” (our final check in for the 8 week journey).  


Women and Heart Disease

The National Institute of Health shares that one in five women in the United States die of heart disease. 9 out of 10 women have at least one risk factor for heart disease. Let those numbers sink in.  If you’re a woman, think about which part of those statistics you want to be in.  Many of us don’t pay very much attention to our heart health because we’re too busy paying attention to all of the other things in our lives.  Yet, it’s time to do what Ann did. Pay attention to your health.  Get a physical, know your numbers and make your health a priority. Learn more about high blood cholesterol and heart disease and how to find out if you’re at risk by reading the NIH’s Heart Truth here.

Switching to the Plant-Based Lifestyle

If you’re beginning the plant-based lifestyle journey in full force be sure to communicate with your healthcare provider.  It’s important to partner with your provider in order to receive guidance when weight and cholesterol levels begin to change. Often during transition, medications that you take may need adjustments. It’s possible that some (if not all) may be eliminated by your physician. This is a critical reason to undergo this lifestyle change with your health care provider on board.

Are you ready to take charge of your health? Here’s a free audio-mini course that will help you learn 5 ways to change your life. In this complementary mini-course you’ll learn 5 powerful strategies that’ll give you knowledge and confidence to create a healthy whole food, plant-based lifestyle that you’ll love. Download the free course here.