Blog This Weeks Top Three

Who Else Wants to Get Healthy and Age Well?

Who doesn’t want to know the secrets to aging well? I think most of us want to know, but many of us may wince at making peace with following through and enacting them. I knew that I hadn’t been paying close attention to my health. My life was sailing along at warp speed much like everyone else’s. I had enjoyed good health so it seemed that taking better care of myself wasn’t really on my radar.

 That was until the huge wake up call that my husband received in June of 2013. Where he learned he needed double bypass surgery despite not seeming like his health was out of wack. What jolted me into action was learning that a bypass surgery only lasts for 10 years if the same lifestyle choices are continued. This propelled me into learning all that I could about making healthier lifestyle choices. I’ve learned a lot since then and I’ve embraced these healthier lifestyle choices. I love helping others do the same. That’s why the top three tips for this week features the 7 secrets of aging well. I also share the success path for healthier lifestyle habits and provide some great weekday recipes.  Check out the top three tips:

Check out the Top Three Tips and Learn the Secrets of Aging Well

Success Path for Healthier Lifestyle Choices

There are 5 steps  that can be taken to lead you through the stages of feeling unhealthy, tired, sedentary and not feeling great about yourself into feeling vibrant, healthy and empowered.  The top three tips share the stages and allows you to see yourself transforming into a healthy habits keeper.

Age Well

Transforming into a healthy habits keeper begins with learning about the seven secrets of aging well and self care. Learn about the specifics of the seven secrets and what you can do to get on the road to better health here.

Planning for Better Health

Having a menu plan and recipes to carry you through the weekdays is a key component to adopting healthier lifestyle habits.  This week’s top three includes a free 5 day menu plan with recipes and encouragement to begin a plant-based journey.  Whether you’re just starting out or could use some ideas for a few “go to” meals you’ll want to download this FREE 5 day plant-based starter plan.  

As we all know, life is a journey filled with responsibilities.  Part of our responsibility to ourselves and our loved ones is to make healthy lifestyle choices. These choices often determine the volume and quality of our lives.  By learning about and enacting the seven secrets to aging well, we can become healthy habits keepers. Living a life filled with healthy choices can make all the difference in the world.  Choose to make healthier lifestyle choices today, make a difference in your future and the future of your loved ones.