Blog This Weeks Top Three

What I’ve Learned in the Six Years Since Switching to the Plant-Based Lifestyle

We’ve all been faced with challenges that require us to pivot in order to move forward. For me that happened six years ago and the solution for me and my family was to ditch the Standard American Diet and switch to the whole food, plant-based lifestyle.  This week marks my “plant-based aversary” and I’m sharing what I’ve learned in the past six years since switching to the plant-based lifestyle.

Maybe you’re like me and have come to the realization that you need to make changes to your lifestyle choices. That your future depends upon it. In this week’s top three tips I describe what lead up to my lifestyle changes and the benefits of what the changes have provided for me as well as my family.

Sure, the decision to make the change was simple, but I’ll be honest, at first it wasn’t easy to carry out the decision.  I describe for you some of the challenges that I faced as well as what it took to overcome the challenges. I also share what the plant-based lifestyle entails and why I’d never go back to eating the way that I did.

This episode is for anyone who wants to see that making healthier lifestyle choices can happen and can make major differences.

What I’ve Learned in the Six Years Since Switching to the Plant-Based Lifestyle

Just Starting Out?

If you’re beginning the plant-based lifestyle journey in full force be sure to communicate with your healthcare provider.  It’s important to partner with your provider in order to receive guidance when weight and cholesterol levels begin to change. Often during transition, medications that you take may need adjustments. It’s possible that some (if not all) may be  eliminated by your physician. This is a critical reason to undergo this lifestyle change with your health care provider on board.

Free 5 Day Starter Plan

For many people starting their plant-based journey it seems challenging (even daunting) to come up with menu ideas and recipes. This is why I’ve created a free 5 Day Plant-Based Starter Plan.

This great FREE 5 Day Plant-Based Starter Plan is perfect if you’re just starting out or even if you’re starting over. It includes a menu plan, recipes, a tool to help identify healthy habits and daily encouragement throughout the plan. It offers you a way to either jump start a complete transition to plant-based eating or  a way to try it out for five days. Either way, your body will thank you for putting it on the road to better health.

You too can be sharing your plant-based journey with others in the future-I know that I’ve been immensely pleased with the results of my decision of adopting the plant-based lifestyle. I  now look forward to my future knowing that I’ve adopted healthier lifestyle choices that will pave the way to embracing rather than dreading aging. Happy eating!