Blog This Weeks Top Three

This Week’s Top Three Tips

Everyone’s busy right? Taking a moment to slow down long enough to ponder your own health and wellness can be a challenge. So can writing goals to change the course of your wellness journey. Truthfully, I was startled into facing the fact that it was time to take control of my own health and wellness story. Time had come to stop taking my health for granted. I had to stop long enough to actually figure out how I wanted my wellness to continue. I’ve figured out how and discuss it in this week’s top three video.

I’ll also share with you the healthy habits tracker which can change your life. It helps you to take stock of your current health and wellness status and can serve as the baseline for goal setting in the new year.  The 7 healthy habits for optimal health is also explained in the video and worth a look!

With the month of December being among the busiest of the year, I discuss a fun way to sweeten the month without the calories. How you ask? You’re invited to  a virtual cookie exchange. What could be easier than taking part in a cookie exchange when you don’t actually have to make the cookies? Check out this week’s video and learn how to join the fun.
