Blog This Weeks Top Three

The Stress Free Way to Adopt Healthier Lifestyle Choices

Nobody likes it when new things take more time especially when you don’t have much time to begin with.  Adopting healthier lifestyle choices can feel stressful and time consuming. In this weeks Top Three Tips you’ll learn 5 surprising things you can do to save time in your plant-based kitchen. You’ll also learn how to cast a vision for your health  and the 2 greatest plant-based dishes to share at a picnic or BBQ. These are the stress free way to adopt healthier lifestyle choices.

This Weeks Top Three Tips

This Week’s Top Three Tips

Making the Time to Eat Whole Food, Plant-Based Foods

When asked what is or was the biggest challenge when switching to the whole food, plant-based diet many feel that the issue of making time for food prep is a biggie.

Some report it’s having to get use to the amount of prep work involved in a meal or for others it’s making the time to chook which is a huge difference from the way that they ate in the past.

Still others report that it’s not having lots of convenience foods available or restaurants that provide a quick option on buys days.

So here’s 5 surprising tips to help overcome the time crunch in the kitchen.

Cultivating Clarity

One of the first steps in getting on the road to better health and creating healthier lifestyle choices is to seek clarity on your current state of well being.  Here’s a think sheet that helps you to identify where you currently stand with your lifestyle choices. It also helps you to identify your reasons for wanting to make healthier choices.  Clarifying your “why” is at the foundation of being able to make choices that will lead you to a healthier lifestyle. Download this FREE think sheet and get some clarity!

The 2 Greatest Plant-Based|Vegan Dishes to Share at a Picnic or BBQ

I can always detect the glimmer of doubt (if not fear) when my omnivore friends seek to find an appropriate answer to my question of “what can I bring” to their upcoming outdoor event.  I have been living the plant-based lifestyle long enough to have discovered the 2 greatest plant-based|vegan dishes to share at a picnic or B.B.Q. that everyone will enjoy.

What I really love about these dishes is the fact that they are delicious. Even my omnivore friends gobble them up as well. Even better, I have an option of what to bring since there’s two great recipes to choose from.

Get Started (or Restarted) with Plant-Based Eating

Here’s a great FREE 5 Day Plant-Based Starter Plan which is perfect if you’re just starting out or even if you’re starting over. It includes a menu plan, recipes, a tool to help identify healthy habits and daily encouragement throughout the plan. It’s the perfect way to either jump start a complete transition to plant-based eating or to try it out for five days. Either way, your body will thank you for putting it on the road to better health!