Blog This Weeks Top Three

Regrets, Meditation and Dessert ⭐Top Three Tips of the Week

There’s an old song whose lyrics include “regrets, I’ve had a few”. It’s the topic of regrets that leads off our top three tips of the week.  We’ll explore lessons from older Americans who share their top 8 regrets and what we can do to avoid them. We also dive into the healthy habit of meditation and offer a free four minute meditation to help get you started in the mindfulness habit of meditating.  I also share a new dessert recipe that’s “trending” in my house right now.

Watch the Top Three Tips of the Week

4 Minute Meditation

Here’s a FREE 4 minute  guided imagery meditation (full disclosure-it’s actually 4:33😉). It’s set in a rose garden and will help you to get started with meditation or is perfect when your schedule’s full and you need a quick way to get restored.

Starting (or Restarting) Plant-Based Eating

Here’s a great FREE 5 Day Plant-Based Starter Plan which is perfect if you’re just starting out or even if you’re starting over. It includes a menu plan, recipes, a tool to help identify healthy habits and daily encouragement throughout the plan. It’s the perfect way to either jump start a complete transition to plant-based eating or to try it out for five days. Either way, your body will thank you for putting it on the road to better health!