
How to Create Your Plant-Based Success Story

Until recently I didn’t (and still don’t) have much in common with Oprah and Megan Markel. That changed the day that the most recent issue of the Forks Over Knives Magazine hit the newsstand.  In addition to all being women and born in the United States as Oprah, Megan and I have, we’ve all been in a magazine.  Granted it’s a stretch to say that I share commonalities with these two famous women. Like them I’ve shared my success story and have it published. It’s time to learn how to create your plant-based success story.

I’m now able to stand in the checkout line and thumb through a magazine and read about myself (not like Megan and Oprah stand in checkout lines!)  It’s pretty surreal and I know for sure that I’d never want to be like O and Megan and have this be a part of my daily life. What I am glad for is that my success story isn’t unique because anyone and everyone can create their own success story about adopting healthier habits.

My Success Story: Fall Edition of Forks Over Knives Magazine

In the Fall edition of Forks Over Knives Magazine I share my success story as a way to affirm that eating whole foods that are plant-based is life changing.  It’s an honor to be recognized for success but it’s an even bigger honor to be able to teach and encourage others to write their own success stories about adopting healthier lifestyles.

How to Create Your Plant-Based Success Story with these 3 Ingredients

In this video I describe my success story and why I decided to share it with the good folks at Forks Over Knives.  I also explain the three ingredients necessary for anyone who wants to adopt healthier lifestyle habits and be able to write their own success story.

In setting out to adopt healthier lifestyle choices it’s important to include these three things:

  • Develop your own reason as to why you want to make a change
  • Get deliberate with self-care and making priorities for yourself
  • Be kind to yourself-show yourself some mercy as you make your way to healthier lifestyle choices.

Advice for Starting a Plant-Based Journey

Before starting this way of eating  be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.  That’s because medications might need adjusting and even eliminated. It makes sense to have your health care provider on board to monitor the changes that your body will most likely undergo. 

If you want to try out this way of eating download this free 5 day plant-based starter plan.  It’s a great tool to help you learn how to adopt healthier habits and set you on the pathway to feeling the positive effects of the plant-based lifestyle.

She Builds Healthier Habits

Want to continue to build on your plant-based journey to better health? Our free private Facebook group is designed to help you build healthier habits and adopt the plant-based lifestyle.  You’re invited to join and benefit from tips and strategies. This helps you to get where you’d like to be in your journey to better health.  The good news is that the group will help you navigate the pathway to building healthier habits. Take the next step to getting on (or back on) the road to better health.  Join “She Builds Healthier Habits” today.  We’d love to help by teaching you how to build a healthier future and support you in your journey.  

Write Your Own Success Story

Hopefully it’s clear that you have the capability to write your own success story. It starts with the three ingredients listed above along with some delicious healthy plant-based foods!  Who knows, perhaps one day you too will have your success story featured in a magazine. You’ll be standing in the check out line seeing yourself in the pages of a magazine. It’s not about being in a magazine, rather choosing to adopt healthier habits. It’s about living a vibrant life with those you love. That’s a success story worth writing!