Blog This Weeks Top Three

Here’s the Answer to the Number One Challenge Plant-Based Eaters Face and Some Other Gems

Nobody likes it when they don’t know what an acronym stands for. Or feels like they’re the only one who doesn’t get an “insider’s term. That’s why in this week’s Top Three Tips I demystify the “plant-based lingo”. There’s lots of jargon that goes along with this WOE. Everything from ditching the SAD and adopting the WFPB diet or even the WFPBNO lifestyle. Who the heck even knows what nooch is anyway?!  Besides the acronyms there’s the symbols. See what I mean? Lots of letters and noise. The good news is that I unravel the letters and symbols so you too can be an insider in this week’s tips. Included in the tips: here’s the answer the number one challenge Plant-Based eaters face.

Who’s Got the Time?

Among the top concerns/complaints of plant-based eaters is the amount of time it takes to prepare dinner. From the prepping, chopping, slicing and dicing, to the actual cooking, who’s got the time every day to make it happen? This is why I’m very excited to share with you my 7 favorite speedy plant-based dinner recipes to round out the Top Three Tips.

Download the 7 Speedy Plant-Based Dinner Recipes

I’ve included a free downloadable recipe guide which outfits you with a dinner for every day of the week. The best part is that each recipe takes 35 minutes or less to make and are whole food, plant-based, and oil and nut free. Every type of eater will like these recipes, even your pickiest eater!  I also include a bonus speedy dessert recipe that will top off the great dinner that you’ll find a breeze to prepare. Download the 7 Speedy Plant-Based Dinner recipes today and get cooking because life’s too short to spend it all in the kitchen! Click here to get the FREE 7 Speedy Plant-Based Dinner recipes.

Mindset and Questions to Consider

In tip number 2, a huge part about making the switch to the Plant-Based lifestyle centers around mindset. Check out the six mindset questions to consider when adopting or doing a little “course correcting” on a plant-based journey to health.

Spend a few minutes and become a “plant-based insider” who’s mindset is on course and has lots of time to enjoy life because of the 7 Speedy Plant-Based Dinner recipes. Check out this week’s Top Three Tips:


If you’re looking for information about how to ditch the SAD (Standard American Diet) and switch to the plant-based lifestyle be sure to download my FREE audio mini-course and learn 5 ways to change your life.  

New to Plant-Based eating and could use some support? Join my FREE private Facebook group called Judy’s Newbies and learn and grow along fellow plant-based newbies.  Join here.