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Advice I’d Give My Younger Self When Starting My Plant-Based Journey

 I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting in a hospital room because my husband was one day into recovering from double bypass surgery to relieve two 100 percent blockages to the arteries that lead to his heart.They’re called the widow makers.  It was a surprise surgery (at least it was a surprise to us) in that Mark hadn’t had a heart attack, nor excessively high cholesterol levels. A stress test showed the blockages and his doctors advised the surgery to be done stat. That was in June of 2013. This jump started our plant-based journey. Looking back, I have some advice I’d give my younger self when starting my plant-based journey.

That day I was sitting in the hospital mindlessly watching TV in his room. I was struck by the fact that the television ads were reminding me of the reason that I was in that very room.  The number of commercials that celebrated and invited over consumption of the very food that clogged my husband’s arteries was striking. That coupled with the new found knowledge that unless lifestyle changes were made, my husband could possibly return to the same spot in as little as ten years. This combination of reality and the desire to be healthy and available for our then 8 year old daughter became our reason. We chose to ditch the Standard American Diet (SAD) and switch to the plant-based lifestyle right then and there.

So what advice would I give my younger self when starting my plant-based journey today?  I invite you to watch this video for the complete list, but here’s an overview:

The Full Version of the Advice I’d Give to My Younger Self

7 Things I’d Tell My Younger Self When Starting My Plant-Based Journey

  • It’s worth the effort! It might feel like a challenge at first, but it doesn’t take long to make the switch and quickly feel the results.
  • Stick with it as the cravings for junk that you use to eat go away. It doesn’t take very long before you’ll start to realize that you no longer crave the stuff you once thought you couldn’t live without!
  • The food actually tastes great. The colors are vibrant, your taste buds will sharpen once you get rid of the coating of processed foods that have dulled them. 
  • Your body will thank you for treating it better! It doesn’t take long before your body will respond to the better type of fuel you’re feeding it.  Even though you may question if it’s worth the effort because it feels new and different, it works. You’ll build up your immune system and rarely catch a cold. When you do get hit with a bug, it moves through your body at a much faster rate and without the usual wallop that you use to feel with a cold or bug.

It’s More Than Just Advice

  • Be grateful that you’re switching now as the plant-based food industry is booming. It seems that every day there’s more options to eat this way. It also doesn’t seem as unusual to eat this way. You’ll find social settings easier to navigate and more people are understanding and want to know why you’re eating this way.
  • Even though you may not have entered into this lifestyle to lose weight, you’ll do so anyway. You’ll also lose inches and feel great. You won’t need to count calories and you can eat your beloved carbs-the good kind like potatoes and bread! Don’t worry about getting enough protein as plants have what you need.
  • You’ll soon enjoy feeling healthier habits taking hold and empowering you to live a vibrant life.  You’ll feel great, you’ll be warding off chronic disease and your future will seem bright.

This is the advice that I’d give my younger self.  Of course every person is different. These are simply the results that I’ve experienced. I’ve also seen the same kind of results in my family and other plant-based eaters.  

Advice for Starting a Plant-Based Journey

My advice to anyone starting this way of eating is to consult with their healthcare professional.  That’s because medications may need to be adjusted and even eliminated. It makes sense to have your health care provider on board to monitor the changes that your body will most likely undergo.

Besides, nowadays I find it kinda fun to go to my annual well visit check up. I’ll admit I love to hear my doctor compliment me on the state of my health mostly because I’ve learned how to live this way and it’s not a challenge to do so. It’s great when she asks me questions about how I’ve changed my habits and have made them stick. I especially love it when she asks if she can refer her patients to me in order to help them learn how to make healthier lifestyle choices. I enjoy it because I know that I’ve learned how to make a difference in my future and I love helping others to do the same for their own future!

I’ve also learned that even though I haven’t always eaten this way, I’ve still been able to adopt healthier habits that have made a positive impact on my future. It wasn’t too late to change. I suspect that it’s not too late for you to change either.  If you want to try out this way of eating download this free 5 day plant-based starter plan.  It’s a great tool to help you learn how to adopt healthier habits and set you on the pathway to feeling the positive effects of the plant-based lifestyle.

She Builds Healthier Habits

Want to continue to build on your plant-based journey to better health? Our free private Facebook group is designed to help you build healthier habits and adopt the plant-based lifestyle.  You’re invited to join and benefit from tips and strategies helping you where you’d like to be in your journey to better health.  The good news is that the group will help you navigate the pathway to building healthier habits. Take the next step to getting on (or back on) the road to better health.  Join “She Builds Healthier Habits” today.  We’d love to help by teaching you how to build a healthier future and age well and support you in your journey.