Blog Tips and Info on Plant-Based living

Declare Your Independence from the Standard American Diet

If you haven’t already done so, it’s time to Declare Your Independence from the Standard American Diet. Every year Americans celebrate the fourth of July which marks the date that the Declaration of Independence was signed.

 This also marks the celebration of the birth of the nation. In some ways, switching to a plant-based lifestyle can also be seen as a Declaration of Independence of sorts.

 I didn’t understand this connection when I first ditched the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).  I was too busy fighting urges to eat the way that I always use to. Yet I knew I no longer wanted to eat that way.

Breaking Away

How in the world can I draw parallels to the USA’s Declaration of Independence and transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle?

Arguably,the transition to WFPBWOE (whole food plant-based way of eating) isn’t as dramatic as breaking away from a country of origin and establishing a new nation. Yet, in many ways it certainly is as symbolic and life altering.

Similarities Between 1776 and Now

As a former U.S. history teacher I’ll spare you the history lesson (you’re welcome!) but I will invite you to ponder the similarities between the two.

 Back in 1776 the citizens of the day were struggling with living a life that was very familiar to them.

Yet they knew that it wasn’t what they wanted for their future.  They recognized the dangers of living under a system of governance that no longer fit their lifestyle.

One that did not ensure a lively future.

This is sort of like what many who come to ditch the S.A.D. recognize and strive for.

Those who make the decision to make a drastic change to their lifestyle do so for a variety of reasons.  

Just like those in 1776 who left their comfortable life in England in order to experience a type of freedom, it can be said that many who ditch the S.A.D. do so in order for a type of freedom as well.  

Freedom from things like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

Struggles Abound

Those who embrace a Plant-Based lifestyle do so with an end goal in mind.  

This end goal most often includes a healthier life and a way to age well. Yet, as with most goals, it doesn’t come without struggle.

 Certainly there were many struggles for the those who established the U.S.A. just as there are struggles for those who establish a plant-based lifestyle.

The struggles plant-based eaters face when making the transition includes the mindset shift that must occur.  

This shift includes rejection of many ideas of what healthy eating has been advertised to be.

The likes of the ad campaigns ranging from “Milk, does a body good” to “Eat more Chicken” can present conflicting feelings and confusion.

There are so many opinions presented by those touted as experts as to what’s a healthy diet that it can present conflict for those ditching the S.A.D.

The founders of the U.S.A. had to deal with social conflict and rejection from friends and family.

 It was very radical for people of that day to leave their homeland and travel to an unknown and distant land.

Many of these people had to answer to family members who didn’t understand their motive to change.

Social Conflict

Those transitioning to a Plant-Based lifestyle also face social conflict and often experience rejection as well.  

Certainly plant-based eaters don’t have to drastically travel across an ocean in order to change their life.

Yet for many, the change from the S.A.D. is met with great opposition and resistance from loved ones.  

Much like what the early Americans dealt with when they changed their lifestyle, sometimes, plant-based eaters have to navigate through uncomfortable social situations.

The good news is that there are no tricky oceans to cross!

The Struggle is Real

Physically, plant-based newbies don’t have to face things that the early residents of the U.S.A. did, but they do have to go through changes that take some time to adjust to.  

When a person switches from the S.A.D. to a WFPB lifestyle, it takes time for the body to adjust to the new way of eating.

Cravings for high fat, sugar laden and heavily processed foods take time to diminish.  The physical struggle is real.

Check out why it’s hard to switch to a plant-based lifestyle and see for yourself what can present roadblocks when switching to a plant-based lifestyle.

Independence Day

Many plant-based eaters can tell you the date that they “declared their independence” from the S.A.D.  

For me and my family, that was June 25, 2013. The day that my husband underwent coronary bypass surgery.  

We declared on that day that we would no longer eat the Standard American Diet.

We have been free from a way of eating that was literally killing us and have stepped into a much better lifestyle as a result.

The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence can be considered change agents for the people of the day as well as for future generations.

Those who declare their independence from the S.A.D. and adopt a WFPBWOE are also change agents.

They change the course of their life as well as for others within their life. They are change agents for their children and other family members.

The great news is that the change is positive and life altering. Not unlike the change that was created on July 4th 1776.

Have you declared your independence from the S.A.D.?  If so, what’s your “plant-based Independence Day?”

Happy Independence Day!

P.S. If you’re new to the plant-based lifestyle and are looking for a place to learn and gain some support and encouragement, join our free private Facebook group called She Builds Healthier Habits.  Learn to take charge of your health and stay the course with the whole food plant-based lifestyle.  Join She Builds Healthier Habits today!