Blog Tips and Info on Plant-Based living

3 Steps to Building Healthier Habits Even if You Love Cheese

Like most people who love cheese I too thought I’d never be able to “go plant-based” because I was certain that I’d never be able to give it up.  I was also certain that I’d always crave all things sweet and salty. Sound familiar? Here’s 3 steps to building healthier habits even if you love cheese.

While I’m no longer a slave to cheese or the whole sweet and salty thing, I do remember what it was like. I’m thrilled to have discovered and developed three steps to adopting the plant-based lifestyle and healthier habits. Learn how to transform yourself into a healthy habits keeper

As with any change, there are stages and steps involved.  Adopting healthier habits can be a life changer. Especially when switching from a familiar way of eating in favor of whole foods that are plant-based. That’s why it’s critical to learn about and engage with the three steps to adopting the plant-based lifestyle.  I sat down recently to share via video the three steps. I also explain the five stages involved with the transformational journey to healthier habits.

Three Steps to Building Healthier Habits and Adopting the Plant-Based Lifestyle

  • Think– Seeking information and becoming intentional
  • Grow– Setting goals and launching new ways of eating and living well
  • Flow– New habits are formed and you get into the flow of being a healthy habits keeper

Success Path to Transformation in Building Healthier Habits

In the first step (THINK) of building healthier habits there are two stages. The first is when you’ve taken your health for granted. You’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed,and fatigued due to lack of sleep. You eat lots of processed foods, are sedentary and don’t like how your look or feel.You or a loved one are facing a health challenge and need to make changes. You’re fearful of having a limited future due to your lack of health. You are known as a “Seeking Susan” at this point in your journey. 

The second stage during this first step is when you’re armed with clarity from the action taken as a Seeking Susan, you’re  ready to foster intentional living. You’ve become aware of the choices that you make and create steps to practice self-care and identify an attitude of gratitude.

You’re able to commit to socializing more in an intentional way and will either start or rekindle a hobby. You’re known as an “intentional Irene” during this stage of your journey to healthier habits.

Next Stage on Building Healthier Habits

The Second Step (GROW) shows now that you’re aware and fostering intentional living, it’s time to track behavior in the 7 healthy habits of aging well. 

Once the tracking is complete, you’ll reflect on the results and set goals leading you to become a healthy habits keeper. You’ve become a “Goal Setting Grace” during this stage.  Next armed with clarity, intentional living and having set goals,it’s time to launch the “Big Three” where you’ll focus on eating, sleeping and moving well. During this stage you become a “Launching Linda” because this is where you’ll actually launch healthier habits around eating, sleeping and moving.

Step Three (FLOW) During the final stage of the steps to adopting healthier lifestyle habits you’re eating healthy whole foods, sleeping 7-8 hours each night, and completing 150 minutes of movement each week. 

You’re  socializing off line and have either developed or rekindled a hobby. 

You’re showing gratitude and completing self-care and being helpful to yourself and others. 

You feel strong, empowered, vibrant and healthy. 

You’re reflective and monitor and adjust behaviors in order to hone the developed healthy habits. You’ve become “Healthy Habits Keeper Katie”. Congrats!

Community Support

Adopting healthier lifestyle choices isn’t always easy but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Gathering knowledge and surrounding yourself with like-minded people can make a huge difference.  That’s where getting intentional about making changes and having help from someone who’s been down the road that you seek to travel is critical. It’s for these very reasons that I love to help you on your journey to healthier lifestyle habits. I’ve been there, and know what it’s like to want to make the change. I know what it’s like to need to learn how to transform my habits so that I can be strong and empowered and outfitted to age well. Since I successfully made the transition, I now make it my life’s work to help you transform yourself into a “Healthy Habits Keeper Katie”.  I’ve made the journey from being a “Seeking Susan”  and have transformed myself into a healthy habits keeper and now teach others how to do the same. 

Healthier Lifestyle Club

Congrats on wanting to go down the road to better health!  Stay tuned to learn more about the launch of the Healthier Lifestyle Club. I’ll guide you through the three steps to building healthier habits and adopting the Plant-Based lifestyle. Until the doors open to the Healthier Lifestyle Club you’re invited to start your journey now. Download the free 5 day plant-based starter plan.  It’s a great tool to help you learn how to adopt healthier habits. It’ll set you on the pathway to feeling the positive effects of the plant-based lifestyle.

Get on the Road to Better Health
-3 steps to building healthier habits even if you love cheese

She Builds Healthier Habits

Want to continue to build on your plant-based journey to better health? Our free private Facebook group is designed to help you build healthier habits and adopt the plant-based lifestyle.  You’re invited to join and benefit from tips and strategies helping you where you’d like to be in your journey to better health.  The good news is that the group will help you navigate the pathway to building healthier habits. Take the next step to getting on (or back on) the road to better health.  Join She Builds Healthier Habits” today.  I’d love to help by teaching you how to build a healthier future and age well and support you in your journey.

Advice for Starting a Plant-Based Journey

Before starting this way of eating  be sure to consult with your healthcare professional.  That’s because medications may need to be adjusted and even eliminated. It makes sense to have your health care provider on board to monitor the changes that your body will most likely undergo.